Ps. If you want to finish a loop just refresh a page! (because I am making it)
🔱 a🥕 HA↗️ HA↗️ HA↗️🥕 screammm.mp3
'a' compilation
'a' has spreaded to other vtuber more than Gura and this is a compilation of 'a' from all vtuber
🔱 a💀 a
🔱 Gawr Gura
a*a in aututune*a a aaaaa
Shaaaark Shaaaark ShaaaarkShaaaark HeheSha a ak
Gura and Flex Tape
Phil swift to you with Flex Tape!That's a lot of damage!I just saw this boat in half!
Gura VS Math
Gura, what is 9+10? 11?9x9 is 369x9? 9x9 It's now like a tricky doing on your finger. 123456789 that leaves 12345678 Yeah 31!5x5 is 35!!!
Other Gura Noise
Yeah! Suck my toes!Hey dad I'm Gura hey Gura I'm dad Haha.ARA ARAORA ORA ORA!No! I'm a shark!Who is Rem? Nonono. In your computer Rem is in your computer you know it start make your PC goes zzzzzzz. Rem or is it rom? It's rom isn't it? Ram! It's ram isn't it?FBI open up...HahahaSTOP KILLING ME!!!breadGet active with me AHHIt's fookin raw.
💀 Mori Calliope
Calliope and Her Recorder
My friend play recorder better... Hey! F*** your friends! %$@%$%!%$@$%& That's what you can do. When you feel anxious just pull out that recorder an put your anxiety into it. #$%@%$#%^&$^#$%@%#% GHHHHHH #@^$#%@$%#% I feel good! ... I feel good!A practice blowing into the recorder. I'm just gonna blow into ^&*&&*(^*&& GHH %^ &* $% until you cease %↘️ %↘️ %↘️ Maybe if I play really loud they'll stop %↘️ %→ %↗️ No one will want to recorder ever again. *^%^*(%(&(^*&*(
Calliope's F Word
F*** chandeliersF*** that entire sectionGo f*** yourself
Other Calliope Noise
How about we go check out my full body. I will now show you my body. Wait wait! Hold on! Hold on! Hold on! nonononono wait wait wait that's...aOnly big chest allowed here.SHUT UP CHAT SHUT UP!
screammmm.mp3What are you doing Peko?You son of a b**** don't watch my stream!Help me senpai!Damn kid! Get out now and go dinner you idiot!PE↗️ KO↘️ PE↗️ KO↘️ PE↗️ KO↘️ PE ↗️ KO↘️
Human is turtle. Turtle is human. Turtle is korone. Korone is human. Human is doggo. Doggo is human.Turtle. Turtle house. Smol smol turtle house.Have confidence *ded mario* No confidence
Korone's English
I am die thank you forever.shampooNo No Nononono...Y E SWhat the f***What the f*** 2F***Happy face...Happy dogI am VolkswagenI am a Mercedes BenzI am a BMW...I am a BMW OKKKKKKK
Other Korone Noise
NEEEEEEEEEEEEYubi Yubi *scream**Jingle bell song*ooooooooooooooo